SERVICES Roads and Highways both flexible & rigid pavementFlyoversRepair and Renovation of BridgeHigh-rise Building5-star Hotel ComplexIndustrial Complexes like Cement, Ceramic, Pharmaceutical, Textile, Garments, Chemicals & Sugar factoryWarehouseHospital ComplexPost tensioned pre-stressed concrete slabDredging/Site developmentRiver bank protection worksEffluent Treatment PlantElectrical works incl. Sub-station and GeneratorFire Detection & Fighting worksPassenger Lift, Car Lift and EscalatorSteel Box Girder Bridge ErectionMarine works Maintenance of roads with DBST/SBST & hot-mixed AsphaltPre-stressed and RCC BridgeRailway trackAcademic InstitutionRenovation & Interior Decoration workResidential & Office complexPower stationCyclone shelters & Village transformationPiling and foundation workSoil StabilizationJetty constructionSwimming PoolDeep Tube wellHVAC worksInstallation & Commissioning of different Plants & EquipmentDesign-build/Turn-Key Construction